urig rockland breakwater lighthouse

This is me in Main last year. Somehow I forgot to publish this post.

It takes so long to understand painting, it at least has taken me most of my life. I marvel at very few young painters that arrive at quick success. I think how long will it last for them, or do they even understand what they have accomplished?

My journey is more like the turtle, than the hare. Steady and sure path, learning, teaching, and continually critiquing myself. Trying to move the painting image further towards what I believe is the essence of painting.

My life in art does form purpose around me and declares whom I am. Hopefully I am leaving a legacy of paintings behind me, to tell my story, I was here. This is what I saw and this is what I have felt all documented in my paintings.

What do you think Van Gogh felt? He left us such wonderful paintings? What do you think you should be doing in your paintings to make them more about yourself?

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