
I enjoy painting the rich color and texture of the painting knife contrasting the hard to soft edges of the paintbrush. I love experimenting with different expressions of the natural paint medium. A common drip, dry brush marks to the fluid lush marks of a painting knife. Each mark begins to tell a story like words in a paragraph. 

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Daryl Urig

Artist Statement

I love the act of painting. When I first touched paint at a very early age, it somehow etched itself upon me. I remember the moment still now.

That instance opened up so many possibilities in my life. Doors leading me into many aspects of life like color, drawing, the masters, the contemporaries, teaching at the University, Commercial art and design and so many cherished people. I would discover newfound friends accepting me because of our shared love for art.

 It is an engaging route to take, not always knowing where my next step may lead. I have my Mother to thank for always believing me and encouraging me forward.


Daryl Urig has painted his entire life. He is a graduate of Columbus College of Art & Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. He worked as a graphic designer for 15 years designing packages for Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Nestles, and Interactive gaming and education programs for WCET. He perfected his teaching talent as an adjunct professor with the University of Cincinnati for over 10 years. As its Academic Coordinator, he created a 4-year program for the University of Cincinnati. He authored three books on painting, Tips for a Contemporary Painter, Plein Air Painting for Everyone, and Painting Knife Explained. He is a contributing writer for Leisure Painter magazine in the UK.

His work has hung in the Columbus Art and Toledo Art Museums. His work hangs in private collections and galleries in the United States and the UK. He has won major awards at the Salmagundi Club in New York City and with the Portrait Society of America. He has been represented in galleries in Cincinnati Ohio, Columbus Ohio, Chicago Illinois, and Utah. After moving to Arizona he has been represented in many juried western shows including Cheyenne Wyoming Old West Museum.

His understanding of painting, design, and teaching makes him a worthwhile resource for any painter. He teaches workshops across the country promoting healthy painting habits.



Member CM Russell Museum
Salmagundi Humans 24: Figurative Exhibition
Zanesville Art Museum, Annual Exhibition
Western Art Collector Magazine
American Society of Marine Artists
American Impressionist Society
Cheyenne Frontier, Old West Museum
The Arnold Award
Behringer-Crawford Museum Permanent Collection
International Artist Magazine
Leisure Painter Magazine
Oil Painters of America
The Artist Magazine
Toledo Art Museum
Columbus Art Museum
Oktoberfest Zinzinnati Poster
Dialogue Magazine Cover Award
Hallmark Award for Painting
City Beat Magazine
The American Artists Professional League Inc.
Salmagundi Club – Governors Award



Columbus College of Art & Design


Books Published

Painting Knives Explained

Plein Air Painting for Everyone, (Landscape Panting in Your Own Back Yard)

Tips for the Contemporary Painter (The Artist Code)

Click Here



Living In

Yuma Arizona