Like kids, we still do not like someone telling us what to do. We are not even sure doing healthy acts will work for us. I understand. This book is intended to make being healthier fun, your choice for life, enjoyable, even pleasurable as you develop a passion for healthy living. You could even say, “loving yourself back to health”. A simpler, less encumbered life of doing what is important for you as an individual. You are in charge of your life.
I wrote this book after my open heart surgery 2 years ago. A quad bypass. A lot has happened since then. One thing is to be public with this book. Not sure if it was my feelings of being afraid to share my physical condition with my heart, or something else.
I must have been in shock for those first two years. I was always moving forward, but it was by true grit. I guess death scared me more than I have ever thought it would. Only now coming out of it. Getting back in shape. I have to Thank Pickleball and VShred. I did his home exercises for 3 months, not enough, on my second time through now. Gaining back my upper body strength lost from the MAJOR Surgery. Oh gosh, I was so low. At death’s door.
Hope you see the value in the book and it helps the man inside of you, or your man next to you. Without my Doctors research and publishing of his manual, this book would have never been possible. I wanted the information to be easier to understand with some fun illustrations I drew. It is up to you what you do with your life. Make it awesome.