Standing Tall 1

Standing Tall 1







Standing Tall 2

Standing Tall 2

Starting a high-energy studio fine arts oil painting you want to stay loose. Loose, but targeted on your final objective. So every mark has a purpose and is directed towards the final goal of the painting. High energy can convey emotion, life, spirit, exuberance, and motion. I want to convey a very airy feel, like a spinning tornado, where every object is like the scientists say, tiny atoms all separated but some how held together. If you could, you may choose to pass a single piece of paper through any object moving between the physical atoms.

The first thing to do in a painting is start with an idea then a thumbnail sketch. You design the space of your canvas, here a 4 x 4 foot panel. The design is basically a fancy way of saying, “how do you plan to direct the viewer’s eye when he sees the final painting”. “How will his eye move throughout the painting”, created with a multiple of vehicles: color, tone, lighting, lines, etc. You will need to juggle a lot of things all at the same time.

Many of the light blue and red colors will flicker through other colors I intend to paint over the initial layers of paint.

I hope you watch as I progress on this painting with future posts.

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