It is always a humbling honor when other painters pick your painting to be best of show. I just did not know what to say. Thank you Loveland Arts Council and the Shades of Summer 2014 Plein Air Paint Out for selecting me.

There are a lot of scenes that just will not work in a plein air painting. In my experience we want to find something you can paint very directly and not convoluted with detail. You only have an hour or possibly two to capture the plein air light. If it is too elaborate there is no way you can paint it.

Loveland OH Shades of summer 2014

Loveland, Ohio, Shades of Summer 2014, plein air paint out,

Successful paintings don’t just happen they are staged. We make a plan for life, retirement, why not a plan for painting? In this case the plan worked. Other times they fail. Though each time I learn by setting up parameters for my painting before my first touch of paint contacts my canvas.

Create a Plan with me in Italy, this October. Get in before the rates go up for airfare.

I know that many of the IPAPA Plein Air Painters went to La Romita, Umbria, a few years ago and enjoyed themselves very much. We have another opportunity to go again this October. I would love to have some other plein air painters join me.

I understand it is a very reasonable price and an amazing experience. You can see the video on my website  of past IPAPA member participants video. When you bring a friend they save $200. You don’t even need to be a painter to come. There is a two day Italian cooking class. Included non stop sightseeing, food, wine and of course plenty of painters to watch and inspire.

Loveland OH Shades of summer best of show2014

Rusty RR Bridge, 9 x 12 inches, oil on panel, Best of Show