Unfinished Tre
For all the finished paintings out there, to balance the universe there needs to be an unfinished painting. So I give you, Unfinished Tre.
So many times especially as a young artist, the goal with every piece of artwork I created, was to finish it. The goal was to complete beyond our original vision. As artists, we know that the idea in our mind will never be as perfect and complete as it is in our mind.
That a painting could possibly come to an end seems ridiculous to me now. So many things in life are incomplete, unfinished, have no end. For this reflection on life, I give you “Unfinished Tre”.
Look around you as you take a walk. Not everything is finished. For the most part, things are incomplete or left to another day that never comes. We feel incomplete. Aspiring for more, more, more.
1. (= end) fin f
a fight to the finish une lutte à mort
2. [of race] arrivée f
We saw the finish of the London Marathon. Nous avons vu l’arrivée du marathon de Londres.
a close finish une arrivée très serrée
3. [of surface] finition f
transitive verb
[task, book, picture] finir ⧫ terminer
[meal, drink] finir
I’ve finished the book. J’ai terminé ce livre.
to finish doing sth finir de faire qch
to finish work finir de travailler
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