It was a nice surprise to have the local newspaper do a story on my “Painting a Day”.

Harrison artist accepts challenge. Daryl Urig, and accomplished Harrison artist whose work is displayed throughout country, has taken on the personal challenge of painting one painting each day during the month of May and selling his work online. Read Entire Story, Click Here

I feel that I am learning so much by painting these smaller paintings. It is teaching me to simplify and go bolder with my strokes of color. I have also experimented with different content imagery and am finding the ones I enjoy most. Wouldn’t this be funny if it changes the way I perceive and paint everything?  Isn’t that what the journey is about? Learning.

Visit auction here and place your bid.

05 01 09 lighthouse sm05 02 09 white Flowers sm05 03 09 house sm
05 04 09 walk to beach sm05 05 09 7th Street sm05 06 09 on the beach sm
05 07 09 tanked sm05 08 09 floral light sm05 09 09 Farm Fence sm
05 10 09 Boating sm05 11 09 Sunflowers sm05 12 09 The Model sm
05 13 09 Spring Growth sm05 14 09 Home sm05 15 09 Out in the Country sm
05 16 09 Lorain Lighthouse sm05 17 09 Open Air sm05 18 09 Locked up sm
05 19 09 Rough Waves sm05 20 09 Corner Store sm05 21 09 Woman in Garden sm

American Oil Painter Daryl Urig is a member of The Portrait Society of America, Oil Painters of America and Cincinnati Art Club. He has taught at the University of Cincinnati for over 8 years and is president of Total Media Source Inc.

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