Unfinished Tre For all the finished paintings out there, to balance the universe there needs to be an unfinished painting. So I give you, Unfinished Tre. So many times especially as a young artist, the goal with every piece of artwork I created, was to finish it. The...
This was an exciting or groundbreaking painting for me. I was able to capture something new that will supply direction for more paintings to come. I am calling this new direction “Scattering Light”. This painting named “Frolic on the Beach”, incorporates my first...
Lately, I cannot really state an exact time, but lately, my paintings seem to go off in any given direction of style, technique or discipline. I may start in one direction in my mind, come before my canvas, almost directed to another approach that begins familiar and...
I have always been an investor, investing in Fine Arts Oil Painting for the long-term gain of value and the expression of life. My oil paintings are my legacy. All will be worth much more after my death. But those with an eye for the upcoming artist, a great value...
This painting painted itself. It had a mind all it’s own. Title: ” Mommy, Do you love me?”. To all the women and little girls who were raised with an abusive mommy. All they ever wanted was a small amount of positive attention and assurance of their...