My current right as an American is to be able to voice my opinion. Have free speech. So I am doing so about Monsters in our land.
I understand that my song “Monsters” is novel, or even Organic in nature. I lack any musical training. Though I have a strong message to deliver and wanted to gain more attention to it. Many have recognized it to be a slave song which I will grant you. There are many slaves not only what we consider slaves to be in America. We also have the Jewish’s who have suffered as slaves and so many other countries and nationalities that suffer slavery or bondage to some form of leadership all across our world. My fear is we may suffer the same kind of slavery as a nation if we do not wake up and change the downhill path we are on.
Doubling our debt in Obama’s reign has only made us more vulnerable to financial collapse. We definitely need better accounting here.
So the song “Monsters” sings out from the soul, off key and off tempo, though somehow resonating in our soul as a real person. A tune we want to fix and at the same time find ourselves humming.
What caught my attention in the media was Hillary stating to a group, “That is not who we are”. Then a few weeks later President Obama says the same thing, “That is not who we are”. Is who we are some how changed? The song begs the question, Who are we. Or who are we now? I am not sure if we are quickly changing as a country or what we are changing into not having been given notice. Though it is apparent we are changing into something else. Possibly loosing granted rights as citizens of the United States.
I question in the song who is our boss, the corporations? The food we eat altered to what some may consider a poisonous state, causing many health issues and concerns. Why is this happening? Who is in control of our food? What we eat each day to survive.
I can have my emails searched by foreign countries. Can they not also buy food companies here in America and slowly poison us? Not to seem paranoid but walking carefully forward. I know it is far fetched, but we have gotten on the money train as a country and need to be more careful with our choices before we take money from anyone. Politicians have always wanted to take our money away, so that is nothing new.
What are we loosing? The song begs that we wake up. Take ownership of our country again. There are Monsters and hidden faces in our land. I have no idea who they are and how they are effecting me. We know they are here. We even have attacks happening within our country everyday. Random shootings and groups killing civilians in a McDonald’s and many other locations. We can’t just think it is happening to others and won’t affect us any longer. Our Police are shot at and killed. Where is respect? Where is order? Where is safety? We are a people, a group of wonderful individuals.
The fictitious characters Billy and Hilly in the song are in a tree, safe, but they sold out America. These characters somehow had considerable financial gain.
We have seen countless times where are leaders have made alliances with foreign countries to back their campaigns, for instance the Clintons. What is their agenda? What do they gain and what do we loose?
I cannot imagine how bad off we will be then. Loosing so much so we fit into the new us. The new this is who we are now. If we do not wake up we will all be slaves in our own country, shackled and bound to the new homogenized global community that awaits us. I cannot imagine that everyone’s perspective and beliefs are going to mesh. It would be foolish to think so.

Food Eat, 48 in. x 48 in., oil on panel