On The Road, is a series of 14, 2-foot x 4-foot paintings I created intentionally in a rough monochromatic paint to dramatize feelings of driving on the road. The series builds from not being able to hardly see on a rainy day to the last painting of bright lights of enlightenment.

I am sure as drivers we have all experienced some of these anxieties, fears, or pleasures showcased in this series. To experience something we all do almost every day of our living life and may take for granted its significance or merely blur of time in driving in autopilot, as a means of getting to work. Blocking from our minds the horrors we sometimes have daily of another onlooker. This is a showcase of our life as a species that may not have evolved that far with our technology. Just extremely emotional people, maybe not coping so well. A necessary event. We can add to the joy of those around us or create havoc at levels of road rage. We can express ourselves in a car, truck, or semi-truck, any vehicle at all, taunting and challenging those around us on the road as if we were a 7th-grade bully. Sometimes drivers get away with it and other times damage may occur, even to the point of loss of life. Not an innocent game, for sure. Life can be frightening at times.

After creating these many large paintings, many subliminal messages became very apparent to me and what I was going through at that time. A turbulent time in my life was best expressed by the experience of driving on the road. This is your life, what will you do with it. Maybe some of you will understand.