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John Carlson, renowned painter and instructor, understood the painter’s quest for empirical knowledge in his artwork. He said, “Art is the transmittable, personal impression of one quality in the quality before us.” Carlson also states that painting is, “…an accumulation of experiences and consequently accumulation of emotions, transmuted in time into a general or universal emotion from which all specific emotions draw their life-blood.”

I can feel these transmuted emotions in my spirit. I understand that what I’m expressing in paint is greater than whatever I’m painting. The image is an amalgamation of my emotions, my observations and my memories.

Carlson declared that “too much reality in a picture is always a disappointment to the imaginative souls. We love suggestions not hard facts.”

By recreating your imagination in paint, you can visualize your thoughts and emotions. Painting is personal, as it allows us as individuals to interpret what’s around us. My psychologist friend tells me that artists see everything by how it affects them. This becomes evident in their work.

In toiling and struggling, we find our inspiration and create art. Through our experiments and experiences, we experience failure and success. For artist to gain some unique self-expression in paint, our failures may outweigh our successes.

To view more paintings visit http://DarylUrig.com/blog or http://DarylUrig.com

For Sale/Price: Contact: Robyn@DarylUrig.com

American Oil Painter Daryl Urig is a member of The Portrait Society of America, Oil Painters of America and Cincinnati Art Club. He has taught at the University of Cincinnati for over 8 years and is president of Total Media Source Inc.

View his Exhibit and Awards by clicking here.

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