What an awesome time with wonderful people in Palm Desert CA, with wonderful people, in an area that has so much to offer.
Joe WID 3 7 12
The workshop helped painters to develop a process from taking pictures of a figure in a landscape setting, selecting a photo for painting, not all photos make good paintings to design, color sketch preliminaries and the then the final figurative painting.

The students quickly gained confidence, brush/painting knife control, color mixing, seeing what  to be aware of in a painting and as one said, reinforcing the basics while making the advanced easy, thanks Joe.

Sharon WID 3 7 12 Patti WID 3 7 12

I felt we all grew close in this short time together. Like a much-needed retreat, doing what we enjoy, painting.

The Woman in the Garden workshop was hosted by Deb Mumm at Venus Studios in Palm Desert, CA.

Enjoy the pictures and paintings.

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Upcoming workshops in California

I have been asked to plan a workshop before Thanksgiving 2012 on Intro to Self Portrait. Please contact me early if you would like to attend, I have commitments for half a class already. I like to keep the classes small so everyone gets good attention and understanding of information. This is a good first step towards figurative and portrait painting.

Hope to see you next year on my return to California for a Workshop titled Woman in the Desert – Canyon. I will expand on this figurative/landscape workshop to also include paining rocks with a painting knife.

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Woman in the Desert, 9 x 12 inches wide on panel, purchase here.

Testimonials from workshop

I have taken many workshops – this was the best. I learned so much – I can be an artist after all.
– Carole Lintner, OR

I have learned so much. Daryl reinforced the basics, but went into advanced while making it easy.
– Joe Wheatley, CA

I thought the class Woman in the Desert was fabulous, we learned so much from Daryl. He is a terrific teacher – very clear instruction was given. He’s very encouraging. I highly recommend him as a teacher.
– Patti Howard, Vancouver B.C.

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Information on Workshops & Locations
© 2012 Daryl Urig

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