Kiss of life

Kiss of life, 24 in. X 30, oil on panel That which is beautifull in life is all one. Coexisting, creating an exuberance in life that can not be explained. Flowers, nude woman, butterfly… a sweet kiss Kiss of life All these things are from the Earth (dirt) and...

COVID 19: Look Up

We are part of everything in the universe If you can take a moment to visualize with me that we are all part of our universe. The moon affects the tides, even a woman’s menstrual cycle is in line with the moon’s orbit. There is so much happening that is...

The unimpeachable rock, President Trump

The unimpeachable rock, President Trump, 18 x 24 in, acrylic and oil on panel The unimpeachable rock, President Donald Trump, widely known as Trump. He is rock solid, unmovable in his insights and thoughts as he attempts to lead the American people. Hard to...